The Pinion Voting System is Coming Together

We keep making progress on our Pinion project.  We are building software to capture and present people's feelings about the world and reality.  What can a pinion be about?  Anything!  We are starting with focus on restaurant reviews and also we are capturing other pinions in our system through our Palatable Politics events. 

In the image above you can see how a multi-user opinion is rendered.  In this case, we are looking at how a group of eight people reviewed Donald Trump in a recent conversation along the aspects of Reality, Courage and Vision. 

A few comments about the graphic above, how it works and what it represents:

A) Reality is considered an Aspect in the system.  These are clickable and users can find other items in the system that reference or use that particular aspect. Aspects can also be members of Rubrics, which are templates for reviewing like items.

B) Aspects can have images either generically or set specific to the Item in question.

C) When aspects have many scores, the system will show how many scores have been captured to date.

D) They system will aggregate child scores and calculate an average.  Future versions of the software could of course present other statistics in the data such as mean, median, mode, etc.

E) The aspects scores are listed in order of positive to negative.  5 stars are good, 1 star is bad.

F) Each score says who said it and the user can go to that user's page for more information and to further engage with that user.

G) Some items have responses rolled up from many respondents.

H) Users can further engage with Expressions that have a single score.
